Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器)
V3.3.2 破解版Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器)是一款运行在Mac OS 平台上简化的音乐播放器,Simplify mac破解 是最简单的方式来控制你的音乐.Simplify mac 破解版 可以用最简单的方式来控制你的音乐.如何使用这款软件来播放. 切换和寻求曲目,控制声音的音量.Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器)是最简单的方式来控制你的音乐,是最好的音乐控制器.本站提供免费下载Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器)最新破解版!
Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器) 破解说明
软件下载完成后,打开软件包,拖动软件【Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器)】到应用程序进行安装.安装即破解.
Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器) 软件介绍
你总是通过 Spotify,iTunes 或Rdio来听音乐吗?切换到播放机感觉很累了吗?安装Simplify 可以用最简单的方式来控制你的音乐.如何使用这款软件来播放. 切换和寻求曲目,控制声音的音量.Simplify 是最简单的方式来控制你的音乐,是最好的音乐控制器,并且它允许你集中精力于你的工作,上网浏览. 文件编辑没有中断.不需要不断地切换到播放器窗口,以找出当前音轨或看到其专辑艺术: 它总是会在您的桌面上.
您的桌面总是充满了窗口和文档吗?别担心,您可以分配几乎每个行动的键盘快捷方式: 播放切换,跟踪更改声音的音量级别.
Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器) 官方介绍
Simplify is the simplest way to control your music. Do you always listen to the music through Spotify, iTunes, or Rdio? Tired of switching to the player? Install Simplify and know what's playing, switch and seek tracks, control sound volume with our easy to use application. Simplify is the best music controller, and it allows you to concentrate on your work, Internet browsing, documents editing without interruptions. No need to constantly switch to a player window to find out the current track or see its album art: it will always be on your desktop.
Is your desktop always filled with windows and documents? Don't worry, you can assign keyboard shortcuts for almost every action: playback toggle, track changes, sound volume levels. Features Album cover and track title always on your desktop; Desktop widget jackets: create your own look-and-feel for the desktop widget using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Follow the documentation on our site to create a jacket; Cute mini-player window (can be shown with a customizable keyboard shortcut) to control sound volume, switch tracks, seek tracks, toggle playback; Customizable global shortcuts to control sound volume, switch tracks, toggle playback, and toggle mini-player; Simplify may be automatically launched when Spotify starts; Current song title in menu bar; Easily copy track title and link to track to share with friends.
Simplify mac (简化音乐播放器) 更新日志
v3.2.4版本新功能 Version 3.2.4: Note: Now requires OS X 10.7 or later. Fixed Growl support Fixed Last.fm support for their new APIs Fixed Spotify progress-tracking