word Pages for Mac
V5.6.2 破解版word Pages for Mac是Mac OS 平台上的iWork三剑客之一,word Pages for Mac是一款简捷易用的文字处理与页面排版应用程序,word Pages for Mac能帮助你随时制作出完美的文档,让你瞬间变身作家和平面设计师!word Pages for Mac拥有功能相当强大的模板选取器,能够快速查看 180 多种Apple设计模板.从简单书信.专业设计的简历直至通讯简报,可轻松创建绝佳的文档!
word Pages for Mac 破解说明
软件下载完成后,打开软件包,拖动软件【word Pages】到应用程序进行安装.安装即破解.
word Pages for Mac 官方介绍
Apple Pages is a powerful word processor that gives you everything you need to create documents that look beautiful. And read beautifully. It lets you work seamlessly between Mac and iOS devices, and even work effortlessly with people who use Microsoft Word.
word Pages for Mac 更新日志
v5.6.1版本新功能 Version 5.6.1: Resolves an issue where some Microsoft Word documents would not open Resolves an issue that sometimes prevented use of Look Up for words in lists Additional bug fixes Stability and performance improvements Other recent improvements: Multitask while editing using new Split View in El Capitan Open Pages ’08 and ’06 documents
Shared Pages documents can now be previewed on iOS and Android browsers Force click images and get haptic feedback as you edit using Force Touch trackpad New Apple-designed templates: ePub, Kids Certificate, Classic Certificate, School Newsletter Easily access recently used fonts in the Fonts menu Enhanced support for OpenType font features like small caps, contextual fractions, alternate glyphs, and more View Collections, Moments, Favorites, and Shared Albums from Photos in the Media Browser Add reference lines to charts Create table, chart, and shape styles from an image Add and review comments with VoiceOver Track changes with VoiceOver Edit chart data and chart elements with VoiceOver