Aeon Timeline mac (时间表格制作)
V1.3.2 破解版Aeon Timeline mac (时间表格制作)是一款具有创造性思维的时间轴工具,Aeon Timeline mac (时间表格制作)具有最传统的Timeline设计,Aeon Timeline mac (时间表格制作)可以满足创建单个的需要.他们是表象的,静态的,非常适合幻灯片和投影机.你可以用一个简单的,直观的界面浏览和编辑你的时间表.当你完成后,可将数据导出到外部,它还允许你创建自己的幻想日历系统.
aeon timeline for mac 最新破解版
Aeon Timeline mac (时间表格制作) 破解说明
1.软件下载完成后,打开软件包如上图,拖动软件【Briefs】到应用程序进行安装. 2.完成后,打开注册机Briefs 1.x [SP](第3个文件),然后把应用程序里的【Briefs】拖到注册机上,会自动破解.如下图:
提示安装Xcode,不用安装. 3.破解完成后,注册机会出现绿色对号+Patching Successful提示.
Aeon Timeline mac (时间表格制作) 官方介绍
Aeon Timeline is the timeline tool for creative and analytical thinking.
Most traditional timeline applications are designed to suit a single need: to create an attractive display of one-dimensional time. They are presentational, static, and perfectly suited to overhead slides and projectors.
Aeon Timeline aims to be different. It provides an intuitive, responsive interface to help you create and edit your data on the fly. It allows you to hide and filter information so that you can focus on what is important to you at the time. It displays additional images and links to external research documents, providing a single access point for all of the information related to your project. Whether you’re a writer, historian, teacher, attorney or project manager, Aeon Timeline is a tool that can help you capture, analyse or present complex ideas.
Aeon Timeline mac (时间表格制作) 功能介绍
Aeon Timeline is the timeline tool for creative and analytical thinking. Most traditional timeline applications are designed to suit a single need: to create an attractive display of one-dimensional time. They are presentational, static, and perfectly suited to overhead slides and projectors. Aeon Timeline aims to be different. It provides an intuitive, responsive interface to help you create and edit your data on the fly. It allows you to hide and filter information so that you can focus on what is important to you at the time. It displays additional images and links to external research documents, providing a single access point for all of the information related to your project. Whether you’re a writer, historian, teacher, attorney or project manager, Aeon Timeline is a tool that can help you capture, analyse or present complex ideas.
Aeon Timeline mac (时间表格制作) 更新日志
v1.2.17版本新功能 Minor bug fixes.
Aeon Timeline 2 for Mac(时间表格制作)
V2.2.5 破解版
时间:2017-07-14 15:36:18 大小:53.7 MB -
Aeon Timeline mac激活版(时间表格制作)
V2.2.6 破解版
时间:2017-07-27 17:18:49 大小:53.9 MB -
TableEdit for Mac(电子表格制作工具)
时间:2018-07-12 08:01:00 大小:30.91 MB -
Aeon Timeline 2 for Mac(时间表格制作)免激活版
时间:2018-10-29 14:35:00 大小:55.42 MB