

Fragment for Mac (图片浏览器)是一款运行在Mac OS平台上图片浏览器软件,非常漂亮.功能也是非常的强大,图片比较多的朋友可以到本站下载,本站提供最新Fragment for Mac (图片浏览器)破解版下载!

Fragment for Mac (图片浏览器)  破解说明


Fragment for Mac (图片浏览器)  官方介绍

URGENT: Version (1.6.2) will not work on OSX Mavericks and below, I am working hard to fix this ASAP (UPDATE: It is done, will be available in the NEXT update (1.6.3)) ! WORKAROUND: use an Alias to the image to access it!
Fragment is a cool, alternative image viewer for the Desktop * Unique HUD UI. Both attractive and useful, it keeps Your image at maximum screen real-estate. * Fast, resizable thumbnails for all images in the current directory. * Fast app startup and image loading; fluid onscreen image navigation. * Unique Peek and Skim browsing options to quickly examine image folders. * Unprecedented Animated GIFs Support with Timetrack, Reverse Play and Speed Control. * 55+ amazing Transition effects, available for both Slideshow and normal Browsing. * Crop, Extend And Rotate image editing options. * Very friendly to usage over a local network (NAS), because heavy use of asynchronous operations and local caching. * A browser-like "Back" button, to navigate the history of viewed images and directories. * Unique Unconstrained Pan. The image can freely be moved around, without it being stuck to the edges of the window, perfect for viewing details, located on the edges or corners of the image. * Upload And Share using either the build-in Facebook PlugIn or one of the OS X Sharing Services Providers. * High Dynamic Range Image support (HDR, EXR, PFM, TIFF). (Will be further improved at some point)

Fragment for Mac (图片浏览器)  支持格式

支持以下文件格式:JPEG (image/jpeg);TIFF (image/tiff);PNG (image/png);GIF (image/gif);TGA (image/x-tga);BMP (image/bmp);PSD (image/vnd.adobe.photoshop);JPEG 2000 (image/jp2);JNG (image/x-jng);MNG (video/x-mng);EXR (image/x-exr);HDR (image/vnd.radiance);DDS (image/x-dds);PFM (image/x-portable-floatmap);PGM (image/x-portable-graymap);PPM (image/x-portable-pixmap);PBM (image/x-portable-bitmap);CD (image/x-photo-cd);PICT (image/x-pict);IFF (image/x-iff);PCX (image/x-pcx);CMU (image/x-cmu-raster);WBM (image/vnd.wap.wbmp);CUT (image/x-cut);ILBM (image/x-ilbm);XBM (image/x-xbitmap);XPM (image/x-xpixmap);G3 (image/fax-g3);SGI (image/x-sgi);KOALA (image/x-koala);

Fragment for Mac (图片浏览器)   更新日志

HOTFIX: Fix Fragment not opening any image under OS X Mavericks (10.9) and earlier since the last update (1.6.2)! --- 1.6.2 --- SWEET JOY - you no longer need to "Open" the image folder every time you want to browse it. - Grant access to the folder, ONLY ONCE, by an Open command or drag-and-drop. - Your choice will be remembered and will continue to work, in most cases, even if the folder is renamed or moved to a new location. Rejoice, and don't forget to purchase ALL TRANSITIONS, to help me out! Thanks!







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