Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac (病毒查杀)
V3.6 破解版Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac (病毒查杀)是一款运行在Mac OS平台上病毒查杀工具,是mac很老牌的查毒软件,隔离那些危险的文件.深系统扫描.扫描正在运行或后台运行的应用程序.功能强大,使用方便.喜欢的mac用户可以到本站下载.本站免费为大家提供最新Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac (病毒查杀)版下载!
Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac (病毒查杀) 官方介绍
Bitdefender Virus Scanner finds malware with ease.
Scan running apps, scan critical locations, scan a specific location or scan the entire system, the award-winning Bitdefender engines will find that malware. For free! Don't put your friends and family at risk by unknowingly passing malware along.
Features Sports full award-winning Bitdefender engines. Finds Mac malware as well as Windows viruses and other threats etc. Always updated before a scan to the latest virus signatures. Bitdefender virus signatures get updated every hour. Quick scan! Fast scan system areas that are prone to infections. Searches for malware even in archives, various other file types, i.e. pdf, pkg, zip, rar etc.
Growl notifications. Easy-to-use interface. Straight-forward security status and recommendations. Quarantines dangerous files. Deep system scan. Scans running applications and daemons. Scans a custom location. Tip: try scanning by drag and drop. Exclude files and folders from scan (i.e. Time Machine backups, network shares etc.).
Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac (病毒查杀) 软件介绍
Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac (病毒查杀)可以发现MAC上的恶意软件和Windows的病毒以及各种威胁.每小时就更新一次最新的病毒特征码.它可以快速扫描系统易受感染的区域.低吼通知. Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac (病毒查杀)有易于使用的界面,直接了当的告诉你电脑的现状和给你意见.隔离那些危险的文件.深系统扫描.扫描正在运行或后台运行的应用程序.还可以扫描自定义位置.
Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac (病毒查杀) 更新日志
Version 3.6: Bug fixes
USBclean Mac版(U盘清理工具)
时间:2022-07-22 10:32:29 大小:13.81 MB -
McAfee Endpoint Security for Mac(迈克菲防病毒软件)
时间:2019-05-17 08:01:00 大小:187.3 MB -
趋势安全大师 for Mac(恶意软件查杀工具)
时间:2018-09-04 10:40:55 大小:55.99 MB -
McAfee Endpoint Security for mac(McAfee防病毒软件)
时间:2020-06-01 08:42:00 大小:61.29 MB