VirusBarrier Express (杀毒软件)
V1.1.6 官方版VirusBarrier Express (杀毒软件)是一款运行在Mac OS平台上的杀毒软件,VirusBarrier Express (杀毒软件)保护Mac 用户不受病毒.特洛伊木马和其他类型的可影响Mac 的恶意软件的侵害.VirusBarrier Express (杀毒软件)是应用于Mac 的一款最流行的免费杀毒和防恶意软件工具,基于Intego 屡获殊荣的VirusBarrier X6 技术.
VirusBarrier Express (杀毒软件) 功能介绍
- 扫描和修复Mac OS X 恶意软件 - 扫描和修复Microsoft Word.Excel 或PowerPoint 文档 - 扫描zip 压缩档 - 用户可运行快速扫描或全面扫描 - 用户可计划扫描 - 用户可指定信任的文件和文件夹 - 用户可通过关联菜单按需扫描个别文件或文件夹 - 定期更新恶意软件定义 - 不影响性能 - 易于使用
VirusBarrier Express (杀毒软件) 特色功能
- 扫描和根除受感染的Windows 可执行文件
- 寻找并根除PDF 和Flash 恶意软件 - 寻找并根除按键记录器和黑客工具 - 寻找并根除恶意脚本(PHP, Perl, Javascript, shell 脚本以及更多其他类型的恶意脚本) - 寻找并根除Linux 恶意软件
VirusBarrier Express (杀毒软件) 官方介绍
VirusBarrier Express is a free antivirus and anti-malware tool based on the award-winning technology of Intego's VirusBarrier X6. VirusBarrier Express protects Mac users from viruses, Trojan horses and other types of malware, and also detects Windows malware, so Mac users don't pass on infected files to their Windows-using friends and colleagues. VirusBarrier Express lets users run manual scans of any file, folder or volume on their Mac for which they have rights, and offers scheduled scans that can be run on any item. Users can also repair any infected files for which they have rights, and a command-line tool, available as part of VirusBarrier Express, allows administrative users to scan and repair all files on their Mac. Features: Scans and repairs Mac OS X malware Scans and repairs Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents Scans and eradicates Java malware Scans and eradicates Windows executable Scans and eradicates PDF malware Scans and eradicates Flash malware Scans zip archives Users can run Quick Scans or Full Scans Scans can be scheduled Users can specify trusted files and folders A command-line scanner lets users scan more files A contextual menu lets users scan individual files or folders on demand Regular updates of malware definitions No impact on performance Easy to use
VirusBarrier Express (杀毒软件) 更新日志
Version 1.1.6: Improved malware detection.
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