Check My Temp for Mac (温度检测)
V4.7.6 破解版Check My Temp for Mac (温度检测)是一款运行在Mac OS平台上的温度检测工具,来下载这个程序吧!CPU,GPU,HD……周围的温度,无论是摄氏温度或华氏温度.Check My Temp for Mac (温度检测)都会知道此外,它还能检测旋转的风扇降温组件的速度!
Check My Temp for Mac (温度检测) 破解说明
软件下载完成后,打开软件包,拖动软件【Check My Temp】到应用程序进行安装.安装即破解.
Check My Temp for Mac (温度检测) 官方介绍
Temperature Gauge lets you monitor and log all the temperatures and fan speeds inside your Mac. With over 700 international five star ratings and world class support, it's a great tool for every Mac user to have. Run in background mode with the info displayed in the menu bar. See the temperature values in either Celsius or Fahrenheit for every temperature sensor in your Mac. See the current, min and max values for every fan in your Mac.
Log all temperatures, fan speeds and alerts to a CSV file. Choose what gets displayed in the menu bar. Works on all Macs. We offer quick and easy support. If you have any issues, please email us and we will do our best to get back to you within one business day.
Check My Temp for Mac (温度检测) 更新说明
Version 4.7.6: Note: This is an updater for the commercial version purchased from the Mac App Store. New Updated Sparkle framework to 1.14.0 to resolve potential security risk Using HTTPS for updates to futher improve security Added support for 2015 MacBookPro 15" without the AMD Radeon GPU Fixed Potential crash on startup
TG Pro mac (苹果电脑温度测量)
v2.2.0 破解版
时间:2017-05-19 14:19:16 大小:11.9 MB -
TG Pro for Mac(温度监控软件)
时间:2023-11-11 09:10:01 大小:20.31 MB -
TG Pro for Mac(硬件温度监测工具)
时间:2019-11-23 09:01:42 大小:8.83 MB -
TG Pro for Mac(硬件温度监测工具)
时间:2023-01-26 09:10:47 大小:16.18 MB