

aText for Mac (输入增强工具)是一款输入增强工具,例如你经常输入 你家的地址 "某某市,某某街,某某区.. "等很长的一段话,你可能会把他保存到某个地方,每次都复制,粘贴一下才能使用,相当没有效率.使用了aText for Mac (输入增强工具)后,把经常输入 的 文字 添加一个快捷文字为myaddr的Snippet到TextExpander中,下次当你录入myaddr后,aText就会自动把你的地址全部输入到当前光标位置,是不是很方便.

aText for Mac (输入增强工具)  官方介绍

aText accelerates your typing by replacing abbreviations with frequently used phrases you define: for example, make an abbreviation "myname" to insert your name "First Middle Last" in any application.
With aText you can easily avoid typing the same thing over and over. More Features Insert images and formatted text. Capitalize new sentences. Correct double capitals. Insert the current date and time in any format. Insert day in the future or the past, for example: next Sunday, previous Monday. Embed clipboard content in snippet, embed another snippet, use editable fields in snippet, send any key (such as Esc, Tab, Enter, arrow keys, etc). Reposition the cursor in the expanded snippet.

Invoke AppleScripts and shell scripts. Built-in snippet groups for correcting misspelled words, HTML, and JavaScript code. Import data from TextExpander, TypeIt4Me, SpellCatcherX, Automaton, CSV file. Works in Windows virtual machine by Parallels, VMWare Fusion (in Unity mode), VirtualBox. Works in Windows via TeamViewer and Remote Desktop Connection clients. Sync via iCloud/Dropbox/Google Drive/SkyDrive.

aText for Mac (输入增强工具)  更新日志

Version 2.19: Added prompt to move to Applications directory. Added options to include snippet's note and label when exporting to RTF. Displays note when hover snippet with Option key pressed. Added "Restart" to menu bar icon's menu. Uses RTF format if available when using "Make snippet from selection / clipboard" shortcut.





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