Macid mac (指纹解锁mac)
V1.3.3 破解版Macid mac (指纹解锁mac)是一款非常实用的工具型软件,Macid mac (指纹解锁mac)可以允许用户使用 Touch ID 和 iPhone 解锁 Mac 电脑.Macid mac (指纹解锁mac)就是一款将 iOS 和 OS X 通过指纹识别联系在一起的应用.当然,想要使用 Touch ID 解锁 Mac,首先你必须又一款支持 Touch ID 的 iPhone,对于 Mac 电脑的要求,则必须支持蓝牙4.0 LE.
Macid mac (指纹解锁mac) 破解说明
Macid mac (指纹解锁mac) 官方介绍
Note: while this listing is free, the app requires a $3.99 iOS app. That can be found here MacID is a secure, fast way to unlock your Mac harnessing Touch ID for iOS. MacID works with multiple Macs & intelligently notifies you when you wake your Mac. With MacID you’re free to set a longer, more secure password for your Mac without being inconvenienced with typing it in over and over.
Macid mac (指纹解锁mac) 更新日志
Version Fixes an issue where auto-unlock wouldn't work from the screensaver. Fixes an issue where AppleScript extensions wouldn't run. MacID will now not monitor trackpad events if Tap to Unlock is not set up, which is something people have asked me for because it can interfere with programmes like Adobe Fireworks. Fixes an issue where choosing the Monochrome Light colour scheme on iOS would make MacID windows difficult to read. Adds a missing German translation for "Looking for primary iOS device..." Fixes many other little crashes.