Deskovery for Mac (mac系统美化)
V2.3.3 破解版Deskovery for Mac (mac系统美化)是运行在Mac OS平台上的系统美化软件,Deskovery for Mac (mac系统美化)很容易地找到你想要的所有打开的窗口的窗口,系统窗口变换特效与功能.只需移动鼠标,Deskovery for Mac (mac系统美化)查看所有打开窗口的完整列表,选择一个并将其移动到前一个单一的点击.
Deskovery for Mac (mac系统美化) 官方版无法使用全部功能 deskovery 破解可以免费使用全部功能
Deskovery for Mac (mac系统美化) 破解说明
1.软件下载完成后,打开软件包,拖动软件【Deskovery】到应用程序进行安装. 2.完成后,打开注册机Deskovery 2.x [SP](第3个文件),
3.破解完成后,注册机会出现绿色对号+Patching Successful提示.
Deskovery for Mac (mac系统美化) 官方介绍
Deskovery makes it easy to find the window you want out of all your open windows, just move your mouse to see the full list of all open windows, select one and move it to front in a single click.
Stop wasting time aligning windows, with Deskovery your windows are magnetic. Windows snap neatly to screen edges. Deskovery also lets you resize windows with one click. Click on the zoom button, drag to the preferred size and position, release mouse button, that's all!
Features: Windowshading (minimize to titlebar) Space switcher directly in the Dock Customizable Spaces transition (3D Cube, 3D Flip) on 10.6 Compiz-like wobbly windows Transparent windows Size and align windows Magnetic windows with screen edges
Deskovery for Mac (mac系统美化) 更新日志
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