Gomoku Free for Mac (五子棋大师)
V1.0.5 最新版Gomoku Free for Mac (五子棋大师)是一款休闲益智类游戏,五子棋for mac官方名称Master of Gomoku,工作生活闲暇之余可以用以打发时间陶冶情操.
Gomoku Free for Mac (五子棋大师) 官方介绍
Master of Gomoku is a strategy board game where you try to get 5 of your stones in a row before the other player. It has 4 levels of AI to play against the computer and 2 player/multiplayer modes as well. The journey is easy to begin, but hard to master. Can you become a Master of Gomoku?
Gomoku Free for Mac (五子棋大师) 游戏介绍
Gomoku Free for Mac (五子棋大师) 更新日志
Added app sandbox settings for your safety, Changed icon to include EnsenaSoft brand mark. We appreciate your ratings and reviews! Thanks for playing Master of Gomoku Free!!!
ColdWaters for Mac(海战类游戏:冰冷的海水)
V1.0 破解版
时间:2017-06-13 14:08:58 大小:888.2 MB -
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时间:2017-06-22 11:22:36 大小:1.24 GB -
阿门罗(Armello) for Mac免激活版
时间:2017-08-24 09:47:42 大小:1.43 GB