Zuma's Revenge for Mac (祖玛的复仇)
V1.0.2 破解版祖玛的复仇作为祖玛游戏的鼻祖,这次祖玛新作较上作拥有更好更精美的画面,并且支持宽屏显示器分辨率;新增多种新能力武器和特性,新增多种游戏模式,另外还新增了Boss关卡.经典的祖玛游戏官方续作,全新的画面和关卡,你还在犹豫什么?快来下载吧.
Zuma's Revenge for Mac (祖玛的复仇) 原价:¥12 Zuma's Revenge for Mac破解版将免费使用!
Zuma's Revenge for Mac (祖玛的复仇) 破解说明
软件下载完成后,打开软件包,拖动软件【Zuma's Revenge】到应用程序进行安装.安装即破解.
Zuma's Revenge for Mac (祖玛的复仇) 游戏介绍
祖玛的复仇游戏背景被设定在玻里尼西亚的岛屿上,包括6个不同的场景和60个风格各异的关卡.1920 x1200的图形设定和支持宽屏显示器的画面效果,更多新的要素和能力,玩起来更有挑战性和战略性. 祖玛的复仇作为祖玛游戏的鼻祖,这次祖玛新作较上作拥有更好更精美的画面,并且支持宽屏显示器分辨率;新增多种新能力武器和特性,新增多种游戏模式,另外还新增了Boss关卡.经典的祖玛游戏官方续作,全新的画面和关卡
Zuma's Revenge for Mac (祖玛的复仇) 官方介绍
An irresistible force has taken our fearless frog to an island where the ribbeting puzzle-action of Zuma has evolved in amazing ways… but evil spirits and tenacious tiki bosses rule the land! Survive the ire of the island by firing stone spheres to destroy the deadly stream of balls. Conquer over 60 levels by staying sharp and avoiding hidden traps. Slide and hop for smarter shots; hit targets for exotic bonuses; detonate new power-up balls; battle six imposing tiki bosses and guide your agile amphibian to victory in four all new game modes! Will you succumb to the perilous pitfalls, or can you tame the jungle in this PopCap ball-blasting challenge?
- Conquer over 60 levels and defeat six mini-game Boss Battles - Score explosive power-ups including three new shots - Explore new gameplay like lily-pad hopping, slide-aiming, and more - Take a shot at 70 all-new Challenges in the Jungle of Mystery, Quiet Village, Lost City and Mosquito Coast. - Run the Iron Frog gauntlet — beat 10 levels in a row! - Turn up the heat in Heroic Frog mode - Enjoy amazing graphics and effects that bring Zuma into the modern world of gaming
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