nestopia for mac (红白机模拟器)
V1.4.1 最新版nestopia for mac (nestopia模拟器)是一款Mac OS平台上的模拟器软件,nestopia for mac (nestopia模拟器)听着名字你可能很陌生,但是功能却是十分的强大,能够在Mac OS平台上模拟小霸王的游戏环境,是的,没错,现在你可以在你的Mac上玩非常经典的超级玛丽.魂斗罗.神者神龟.双截龙等!快来下载体验吧!
nestopia for mac (nestopia模拟器) 软件介绍
80.90后的童鞋们还记得当年小霸王时代吗?超级玛丽.神者神龟.双截龙.魂斗罗都是我们曾经的最爱.Windows用户们随时可以回味体验当年的激情,但是Mac用户就悲剧了,这些东东压根就木有Mac版,怎么办呢?Nestopia模拟器是个好东西. Takeshi FC/NES 游戏最佳的模拟器,你可以通过它在Mac上运行Windows游戏,界面简单易上手,当然还需要你自己去下载那些经典游戏的Windows版本.
nestopia for mac (红白机模拟器) 官方介绍
Nestopia is a Nintendo NES emulator for Mac OS X. Nestopia is by far the most compatible of any NES emulator for Mac OS X. Using cycle-exact emulation, it is able to run titles that rely on precise timing, and which therefore break under other emulators. It supports five extra sound chips and an astonishing 143 mappers. This accurate emulation comes at a cost; Nestopia requires an 800MHz machine for full speed; but if you have one, this the best available NES emulation for Mac. Nestopia was initially developed for Windows by Martin Freij. The original sources may be downloaded from the Nestopia home page. The toolkit used to develop the Mac port, including the bridge code to link it to Nestopia, will be available in the longer term from my developer pages. Certain portions are available now, and more will be added in the future. Further information is also available from the enclosed Read Me file.
nestopia for mac (红白机模拟器) 更新日志
Version 1.4.1: Updated to shell version 2.3. See "About the Shell" for changes.
魂斗罗 Mac
V1.0 破解版
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