Taco HTML Edit for Mac (网页制作工具)
V3.0.9 破解版Taco HTML Edit for Mac (网页代码编辑器)是一款Mac平台的网页代码编辑器,mac 代码编辑器支持HTML 与 PHP, 如果你是一个网页开发人员,Taco HTML Edit的网页设计模板对于你手动修改代码能有很大的帮助,可以说是网页开发人员的必备工具之一了.
Taco HTML Edit for Mac (网页制作工具) 原价:¥163 Taco HTML Edit for Mac破解版将免费使用全部功能!
Taco HTML Edit for Mac (网页代码编辑器) 破解说明
1.软件下载完成后,打开软件包,拖动软件"Taco HTML Edit"到应用程序进行安装. 2.打开注册机,如下图,
Taco HTML Edit for Mac (网页代码编辑器) 官方介绍
Taco HTML Edit is a full-featured HTML editor and PHP editor. As an HTML editor, Taco HTML Edit empowers its users to rapidly create their own web sites. It is designed exclusively for Mac OS X and has many advanced features including spell checking, live browser previewing, PHP previewing, error checking, and much more.
Taco HTML Edit for Mac (网页代码编辑器) 更新日志
v3.0.9版本新功能 - Fixes a freeze on Yosemite that could occur when closing or saving a document.
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