CaffeinateMe for Mac (不进入待机)
V1.3 破解版CaffeinateMe for Mac (不进入待机)是一款能够让Mac电脑在指定时间内或是一直不进入待机睡眠的辅助工具,mac用户都知道在下载一个大文件或是执行备份的时候,电脑却进入了睡眠状态,那么就要断开网络连接了!通过使用这款mac关闭睡眠小工具,我们可以根据自己的个人实际需求来调整Mac电脑在多少时间内不进入睡眠状态或是永远不进入睡眠状态!
CaffeinateMe for Mac (不进入待机) 原价:¥6 CaffeinateMe for Mac破解版将免费使用全部功能!
CaffeinateMe for Mac (不进入待机) 破解说明
CaffeinateMe for Mac (不进入待机) 官方介绍
Have you ever run into the issue where your computer goes to sleep while downloading a large file or performing a backup? CaffeinateMe can help by keeping your system running either for a specific time period or indefinitely until you cancel.
CaffeinateMe for Mac (不进入待机) 更新日志
- Added visual countdown - Added option to select hours instead of minutes - Compatibility with OS 10.9 - Bug fixes