Omni Focus por mac (GTD时间管理)
V2.5.3 中文破解版omnifocus破解版 是一个强大而灵活的mac任务管理应用,omnifocus 破解 设计用于快速捕捉您的想法,并允许您管理,omnifocus gtd 存储和处理它们转化为可操作的待办事项.本站提供最新中文破解版 omnifocus 2 for mac 下载!另外本站提供 omnifocus 2 for mac 注册机!
Omni Focus mac (GTD时间管理) 原价:¥258 omnifocus破解版将免费使用全部功能!
Omni Focus mac (GTD时间管理) 破解说明
1.软件下载完成后,打开软件包如上图,拖动软件"OmniFocus"到应用程序进行安装. 2.打开注册机,如下图:
左下角,点击选择"OmniFocus Pro v2",如下图:
Omni Focus mac (GTD时间管理) 软件介绍
您可以用它来储存.管理及处理各项动作或任务,而任务或各项目可被指派到相关的专案中,同时OmniFocus也提供了视觉提示来提醒您下一步该执行的动作. OmniFocus可输入kGTD文件的资料.与iCal同步.透过Mail加入任务.使用Spotlight来存取各项任务.过滤专案与任务.支援档案附件...等等.开发人员在产品网页也提供了产品概观与示范影片,供使用者参考.
Omni Focus mac (GTD时间管理) 官方介绍
OmniFocus helps you manage your tasks the way that you want, freeing you to focus your attention on the things that matter to you most. Capturing tasks and ideas is always a keyboard shortcut away in OmniFocus 2. Clip data from Mail, Safari, Messages, or third-party apps. Bring up Quick Entry to file away an idea before it drifts away; it's always at your fingertips, waiting for more. OmniFocus comes in two feature levels: Standard, available for $39.99; and Pro, available for $79.99.
Omni Focus mac (GTD时间管理) 特色功能
Capture-快速方便记录你所有需要做的事件到你的收件箱中,直到你准备去处理和组织他们. Organize-在OmniFocus中使用强大的contexts特点进行分类的工作模式. Sync-你在Mac上没有完成你的目标,你可以把他们一起带走.在OmniFocus里,你能够把你的任务数据库同步到服务器或者磁盘里.如果你有iPhone,那就更方便了,直接把所有Mac的任务数据直接同步在Iphone上.
Omni Focus mac (GTD时间管理) 更新日志
Version 2.5.1: [News] Added a way for us to tell you about important stuff like OS updates that might break compatibility. You’ll be notified about news via text in OmniFocus’ title bar, and not by OS X notifications or anything else that might interrupt your workflow. [Correct Spelling Automatically] Fixed a bug where changes to "Correct spelling automatically" in OmniFocus wouldn’t stick. [Key Loop] The tab key now behaves more sensibly in most situations. [Crash] Fixed a crash switching Font Collections while a note field was open for editing. [Text Layout] Fixed a number of layout problems, especially on OS X 10.10. [Sidebar] Fixed a visual glitch in the form of an errant horizontal line. [Georgia Font Collection] Made the sidebar tab titles bold to improve legibility. [Notes] Fixed some problems with notes not updating on theme change. [Performance] Fixed poor performance due to a large number of completed items in a given container. [Clean-up] Fixed a problem where items dragged to Inbox would be immediately cleaned up, so the drag appeared to have no effect. [Theme Changes] Fixed a problem where badge colors failed to update on theme change. [Russian] Fixed alignment problems in Sync Preferences. [Japanese] Fixed a layout problem in the About window after purchasing Pro.
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