


时间: 浏览次数:36 编辑:zhuxianzhimm

说 Mac 适合编程的答案总结地都差不多了,当你确定要用 Mac 作为开发工具后,那下一步面临的问题就是:拿到一台 Mac 怎么把它配置成一台顺手的开发工具了。


  1. 升级到新版本操作系统(macOS Mojave 10.14.3)
  2. 关闭菜单栏效果, 减少资源占用和产生的热量
 系统偏好设置/辅助功能/显示, 勾选 (减弱动态效果、减少透明度)
  1. 配置睡眠保护
 系统偏好设置/安全性与***/通用, 勾选(***睡眠或开始保护程序 立即 要求输入密码)
  1. 配置触发角
 系统偏好设置/屏幕保护程序/触发角, 选择(右上桌面,左下启动台,右下启动屏幕保护)


  1. Xcode Command Line Tools
 xcode-select --install
  1. Homebrew
# 这里必须设置 代理地址,否则无法安装brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install
  1. brew cask list
  2. brew 安装常用工具
  3. brew cask 安装常用工具

  1. 其他工具
  • 下载工具 motrix
  • 截图工具 jietu
  • 看图工具 jietu
  • brew cask tools list
  • 快速查看工具 Nicer plugins for QuickLook
    brew cask install qlcolorcode qlstephen qlmarkdown quicklook-json qlimagesize webpquicklook suspicious-package quicklookase qlvideo
  • 微软字体 Consolas
    wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yakumioto/YaHei-Consolas-Hybrid-1.12/master/install.sh && sudo install.sh
  • szrz插件
  • graphviz 所用语言 dot 验证
    dot -h


  1. 设置 iterm2
  • iterm2 配色官网
    iterm2 > preference > profiles > colors > Color Presets > solarized dark
  1. 安装 zsh,oh-my-zsh
    # 安装 zsh 及 补全
    brew install zsh zsh-completions

    # 安装 oh-my-zsh
    curl -L https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh | sh

    # 编辑 /etc/shells
    sudo vim /etc/shells

    # 添加 zsh

    # 修改默认shell
    sudo chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh

    # 将环境变量移到~/.env.sh
    vim ~/.zshrc

    # 设置主题
    # 设置插件
    plugins=(git colored-man colorize github jira vagrant virtualenv pip python brew osx zsh-syntax-highlighting)

    # ls 配色生效
    unset LSCOLORS
    export CLICOLOR=1
    export CLICOLOR_FORCE=1

    # 生效
    source ~/.env.sh
  2. solarized 主题配色
    # clone 之
    git clone https://github.com/altercation/solarized

    # 配置 vim 主题
    cd solarized/vim-colors-solarized/
    mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors
    cp colors/solarized.vim ~/.vim/colors/

    # 配置 vim
    vim ~/.vimrc
    syntax on
    set background=dark
    colorscheme solarized
    set backspace=2
  3. vscode 配置命令行中打开
 Open the Command Palette ( ?? P) and type 'shell command' to find the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command.
  1. vscode 插件安装
  • Chinese language pack(中文语言包)
  • markdownlint(markdown格式检查器)
  • atom one dark theme(ATOM 风格主题)
  • one dark pro(主题)
  • material theme(主题)
  • vscode-icons(图标)
  • python(vscode python扩展包)
  • go(go 扩展包)
  1. vscode shell 选择,zsh
 首选项/设置, 搜索 terminal.integrated.shell.osx ,设置值为 /usr/local/bin/zsh
  1. vscode python 解释器选择
 ⇧⌘P, 搜索 select interpreter ,选择一个 env-3.6.8
  1. vscode python lint 安装,选择 pylint 即可
  2. vscode python 自动格式化
 "python.formatting.provider": "black"
  1. python 开发工具
  • jetbrains 全家桶
  • pycharm Community
  • idea Community

四、 python 环境

  1. pyenv 安装
    # 安装 pyenv 参考, http://einverne.github.io/post/2017/04/pyenv.html
    curl -L https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer/raw/master/bin/pyenv-installer | bash

    # 添加环境变量
    vim ~/.zshrc
    export PATH="HOME/.pyenv/bin:HOME/.pyenv/bin:HOME/.pyenv/bin:PATH"
    eval "(pyenvinit¨E45E)"eval"(pyenv init -)"
    eval "(pyenvinit¨E45E)"eval"(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

    # 常用命令

    # 查看可用版本
    pyenv install -l

    # 安装 python2 最新版本
    pyenv install 2.7.16

    # 安装报错 ERROR: The Python zlib extension was not compiled. Missing the zlib? https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki/common-build-problems
    brew install readline xz

    # When running Mojave or higher (10.14+) you will also need to install the additional SDK headers by downloading them from Apple Developers. You can also check under /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/ as some versions of Mac OS will have the pkg locally.
    sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /

    # 安装 python3 最新版本 3.7.2
    # 报错 ERROR: The Python ssl extension was not compiled. Missing the OpenSSL lib?
    # https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/issues/1184#issuecomment-409320318
    CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl=$(brew --prefix openssl)" pyenv install 3.7.2

    # 安装 python 3.6 ,tf 支持的最新版本
    pyenv install 3.6.8

    # 安装 python2 最新版 2.7.16
    pyenv install 2.7.16

    # 创建虚拟环境
    pyenv virtualenv 3.6.4 env-3.6.4

    # 激活虚拟环境
    pyenv activate env-3.6.4

    # 退出虚拟环境
    pyenv deactivate
  2. 创建 pip 配置文件
    # 创建 pip 配置目录
    mkdir ~/.pip

    # 编辑配置
    vim ~/.pip/.pip.conf

    # 添加以下内容
    download_cache = ~/.cache/pip
    index-url = http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/


  1. 数据库安装
  1. 通过 brew service 管理此类后台任务
    brew tap homebrew/services
    brew services start mysql
    brew services restart mysql
    brew services list
    brew services cleanup

    # 通过界面管理后台服务
    brew cask install launchrocket


  • awesome-mac
  • open-source-mac-os-apps
  • Best-App
  • mac-setup
  • mac-dev-setup
  • dev-setup


