PCalc Mac (科学计算器)
V4.4.3 官方版PCalc Mac版是运行在Mac OS 平台上的一款科学计算器.支持十六进制,八进制和二元运算,以及一个RPN模式,PCalc Mac (科学计算器)在可编程功能的基础上提出了一套广泛的单位转换.
PCalc Mac (科学计算器) 软件介绍
PCalc is the powerful choice for scientists, engineers, students, programmers, or indeed anybody looking for a feature rich calculator. It includes an optional RPN mode and multi-line display, a choice of button layouts, an extensive set of unit conversions and constants, a paper tape, multiple undo and redo, engineering and scientific notation, as well as support for hexadecimal, octal, and binary calculations.PCalc is ideal for scientists, engineers, students, programmers, or indeed anybody looking for a feature rich calculator. It includes an optional RPN mode, a choice of button layouts, an extensive set of unit conversions, a paper tape, multiple undo and redo, engineering and scientific notation, as well as support for hexadecimal, octal, and binary calculations.
PCalc Mac (科学计算器) 更新日志
增加了一个关键代数模式检索结果从你最后一次等于开始. 添加各种快捷键. 现在你可以选择自动显示或大或小的工程模式的数量 改进的立方体根的可读性. 修复如果基础字体丢失或缺损数字不显示. 修正了一个罕见的崩溃. 修正了一个负分数问题. 固定窗口与隐形窗口的问题得到修复. 固定税率没有保存的问题得到修复.
Nimble for Mac(数学计算工具)
时间:2017-03-16 12:01:19 大小:54.6 MB -
Magic Number for Mac(数学计算器)免激活版
时间:2017-08-28 15:55:00 大小:10.65 MB -
Dreisatz for Mac(比例计算器)
时间:2018-02-02 11:20:11 大小:17.92 MB -
Magic Number 2 for Mac(科学计算机)
时间:2018-02-24 10:24:08 大小:16.09 MB