comic life mac (照片制作成漫画)
V3.5.3 破解版Comic Life Mac 中文版 是一款运行在Mac OS 平台上的漫画制作工具,comic life mac将照片制作成漫画的布局与漫画生活(甚至整本书!).Comic Life Mac 破解版 给你所有你需要做的完美的照片漫画的工具.本站提供comic life 破解下载!
Comic Life Mac (照片制作成漫画) 破解说明
1.软件下载完成后,打开软件包如上图,拖动软件【Comic Life Mac】到应用程序进行安装. 2.完成后,打开注册机Comic Life 3.x [SP](第3个文件),然后把应用程序里的【Comic Life Mac】拖到注册机上,会自动破解.如下图:
3.破解完成后,注册机会出现绿色对号+Patching Successful提示.
Comic Life Mac (照片制作成漫画) 官方介绍
Turn your photos into comic layouts (even entire books!) with Comic Life. Speech balloons, fonts and filters give you all the tools you need to make the perfect photo comic. A great way to retell a family vacation or relive the events of a special day. Turn a grandparent's memories into a graphic novel or your child's first year into a photo story book to read aloud and enjoy forever. The creative possibilities are endless.
------------------------------------ The app that started a revolution. Comic Life burst onto the Mac scene in 2005 and caused a sensation winning both an Apple Design Award (for Best Product New to Mac OS X) and a Macworld Eddy. Now it's back with twice the fun: * Templates to get you going quickly * Precision editing with balloon tail controls
* Advanced gradient tools for splashy titles and effects * Integrated Facebook uploader for easy sharing * Shapes - both smart and custom * New streamlined user interface * More comic fonts It's the perfect addition to your Mac.
Comic Life Mac (照片制作成漫画) 更新日志
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