

Vivaldi mac浏览器是运行在Mac  OS 平台上的Chromium/Blink 内核的浏览器.Vivaldi mac浏览器支持自定义安装目录,支持英语.日语.法语.俄语等近10种语言,但非常遗憾的是目前的技术预览版暂不支持中文.但是相信还是有很多浏览迷们先率先体验一把,本站提供了最新破解版Vivaldi mac浏览器下载.

Vivaldi mac浏览器  破解说明


Vivaldi mac浏览器  官方介绍

Vivaldi is a browser for our friends. In 1994, two programmers started working on a web browser. Our idea was to make a really fast browser, capable of running on limited hardware, keeping in mind that users are individuals with their own requirements and wishes. Opera was born. Our little piece of software gained traction, our group grew, and a community was created. We stayed close to our users and to our roots. We kept improving our software, based on our users feedback, as well as our own ideas on how to make a great browser. We innovated and we strove for excellence. Fast forward to 2015, the browser we once loved has changed its direction. Sadly, it is no longer serving its community of users and contributors who helped build the browser in the first place. So we came to a natural conclusion:... We must make a new browser. A browser for ourselves and a browser for our friends. A browser that is fast, but also a browser that is rich in functionality, highly flexible, and puts the user first. A browser that is made for you.

Vivaldi mac浏览器  软件特色

由上图可以看出,Vivaldi浏览器浏览器的布局与Opera浏览器非常相似,菜单项位于浏览器的左侧.而且通过在地址栏输入 vivaldi://chrome/extensions,我们可以看到,Vivaldi浏览器支持 Chrome 扩展,点击浏览器应用程序库后,会跳转到 Chrome Web Store. Vivaldi浏览器目前支持 Windows.Mac OS X.Linux Deb . Linux Rpm 等平台.对浏览器有兴趣的朋友可以去试试.

Vivaldi mac浏览器  更新日志

Version 1.0.365.3: VB-9274 List of gestures in Settings inaccurate: Settings -- Mouse -- Gesture Mapping VB-8959 Starting conflict between "Install as User" and other "Standalone" Vivaldis: this fix allows you to run several Vivaldis at once VB-7287 Option to disable tabs cycling with mouse wheel: Settings -- Mouse -- Scroll Tab Switching -- Switch Tabs by Scrolling VB-7224 Document focus keeps getting lost after having focused address field once VB-4628 [Windows] [Linux] Alt does not open the Vivaldi menu: Shown on mouse release VB-3409 Link address doesn't get shown without status bar: Settings -- Appearance -- Window Appearance -- Status Bar -- Show Status







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