Boot Runner for Mac (启动盘选择器)
V1.6 破解版Boot Runner for Mac (启动盘选择器)是一款为mac初学者设计mac os 平台上的启动盘选择器,有了Boot Runner for Mac (启动盘选择器)我们在装有多系统的情况下开机可以不用Option键,直接在Boot Runner for Mac (启动盘选择器)界面选择启动系统,这样也省去了到系统偏好设置选择"启动磁盘"的麻烦了.本站提供最新Boot Runner for Mac (启动盘选择器)破解版下载!
Boot Runner for Mac (启动盘选择器) 官方介绍
Boot Runner is the next-generation startup manager for dual-boot Macs. Boot Runner now supports multiple virtual machine hosts for OS X, Windows, Linux and other operating systems. Boot Runner manages startup control for labs, enterprises and classrooms, providing a seamless experience for users and easy management of an unlimited number of hosts on an unlimited number of Macs. Schedule and automate startup - Boot Runner's scheduling feature ensures that multi-boot Macs are in a ready state when they need to be for software updates. Maintain Windows security compliance on Boot Camp easily and reliably. Customize boot selection - Guide users with custom branding and program information on the Boot Runner Selection Screen to tailor content, saving time and support resources.
Boot Runner for Mac (启动盘选择器) 更新日志
Version 2.2: Note: Now requires OS X 10.8 or later. Note: If you purchased Boot Runner after January 1, 2015, you are eligible for a free upgrade to Boot Runner 2. If you purchased Boot Runner with a support-and-maintenance contract after April 15, 2013, you are eligible for a free upgrade to Boot Runner 2. Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.