Marked for Mac (html编辑器)
V2.5.10 破解版Marked for Mac (html编辑器)是mac OS平台上一款网页代码实时预览工具 ,我们经常性会用文件编辑器来敲一些网页代码,每次代码被保存或是被修改后,Marked for Mac (html编辑器)能够帮助我们即时显示更改.
Marked for Mac (html编辑器) 破解说明
Marked for Mac (html编辑器) 官方介绍
Marked 2 is a previewer (not an editor) for Markdown, MultiMarkdown and other text markup languages. It updates live every time you save your document in your favorite text editor, comes with writing analysis tools, and is powerfully flexible. See what's new: http://marked2app.com/help/Whats_New.html Marked provides document navigation and statistics, proofreading tools, multiple export formats, and much more. Marked comes with 9 preview styles built in (including GitHub), and you can add unlimited custom styles of your own.
GitHub users will appreciate Marked's built in GitHub Flavored Markdown processor, capable of handling fenced code blocks, line break preservation and automatic hyperlinking. Marked is powerful enough to allow custom processors (shell scripts) before and after rendering. You can even take over the rendering tasks to incorporate non-Markdown languages. Marked works with Scrivener, VoodooPad, MarsEdit, and other third-party apps, allowing you to use Markdown and see beautiful previews just about anywhere.
Marked for Mac (html编辑器) 更新日志
#### NEW
Cmd Markdown(编辑阅读器)
时间:2017-04-07 15:08:17 大小:36.6 MB -
BBEdit for Mac(专业HTML和文本编辑器)附注册码
时间:2022-12-14 08:52:59 大小:32.19 MB