Boson Mac (音频编辑软件)
V1.2.8 破解版Boson Mac (音频剪辑工具)是一款Mac平台上的音频剪辑工具.Boson Mac (音频剪辑工具)具有高保真,快速剪辑的能力,帮助用户处理音频工作.想要一款方便简单的音频编辑软件那就来下载Boson Mac (音频剪辑工具)吧!
Boson Mac (音频编辑软件) 软件特色
Boson Mac (音频编辑软件)帮助用户记录,编辑,转换音频.对于初学者来说它是一个非常好用的工具,保证剪辑音频的最高质量.完美适配Mac的视网膜显示屏. Boson Mac (音频编辑软件)支持的多种文件格式MP3和OGG Vorbis,M4A.MP4.AAC和M4R(iPhone铃声),Flac无损,WAV,AIFF和CAF.
Boson Mac (音频编辑软件) 官方介绍
Boson is a modern, easy-to-use audio editor optimized to make full use of your Mac's power. With Boson you can record audio, edit existing audio files, convert your music between the most common audio file formats, digitize your old vinyl records, or record internet radio stations. Whatever you need to get done - if it has something to do with audio - Boson is your best bet! Easy to Use (for beginners and pros alike) - Boson is easy to use and beginner-friendly. The included manual features an easy to follow introduction to audio editing and recording and the "cook book" section gives step-by-step instructions on how to perform the most common tasks (like creating a MP3 file or recording music from a website and much more). Highest Quality Possible - Boson uses a heavily optimized editing engine that operates on 32bit sample values. That's why with Boson you can apply effects without fear of introducing any artifacts or errors.
Battery-Friendly Recording - Boson features an optional low power mode which saves up to 80% battery power during recording. Ideally for when you want to perform extensive recording tasks out in the field without an outlet in sight. Once this mode is activated Boson will keep CPU and GPU utilization to a minimum. 100% Retina Ready - Boson heavily uses Core Animation to achieve a smooth 60 frames per seconds when drawing wave forms. Even on Retina Macs! Gone are the days of jerky scrolling and zooming. Supported File Formats (reading and writing) MP3 and OGG Vorbis M4A, MP4, AAC, and M4R (iPhone ringtones) FLAC Lossless, Apple Lossless WAV, AIFF, and CAF
Boson Mac (音频编辑软件) 更新日志
版本 1.2.10 中的新功能 - silenced "desired cursor position is beyond document length!" message - silenced "is not playing" message - silenced "Stop playback before calling saveToPath()" message - fixed quitting behavior when a modal window is open