

NetNewsWire for Mac (RSS客户端)是一款运行在Mac OS平台上的RSS 阅读器.NetNewsWire for Mac (RSS客户端)界面灵活定制,可以是如图三栏,也可以像经典客户端一样右栏的上下布局.NetNewsWire for Mac (RSS客户端)强大的搜索功能值得一提,可以按照相关度为本机 RSS 项目排序.

NetNewsWire for Mac (RSS客户端)  破解说明

1.软件下载完成后,打开软件包如上图,拖动软件【NetNewsWire】到应用程序进行安装. 2.完成后,打开注册机NetNewsWire 4.x [SP](第3个文件),然后把应用程序里的【NetNewsWire】拖到注册机上,会自动破解.如下图:

提示安***code,不用安装. 3.破解完成后,注册机会出现绿色对号+Patching Successful提示.

NetNewsWire for Mac (RSS客户端)  软件介绍

这是一款在 Mac OS X 下的 RSS 阅读器软件,同时也支持 iPad 和 iPhone .能在本地管理 RSS 同时与 Google Reader 账户同步.与 Vienna 的邮件式 RSS 管理不同,NetNewsWire 采用了记录式 RSS 管理:你并不能删除 RSS 项目,消息仅有已读未读之分. NetNewsWire 界面灵活定制,可以是如图三栏,也可以像经典客户端一样右栏的上下布局.NetNewsWire 强大的搜索功能值得一提,可以按照相关度为本机 RSS 项目排序.

NetNewsWire for Mac (RSS客户端)  官方介绍

Stop clicking bookmarks — let NetNewsWire Lite show you what’s new in your favorite websites. NetNewsWire Lite reads RSS and Atom feeds and shows you what articles you haven’t read so you can read them right there, in the app. You can go through all your news just by hitting the space bar — it’s easy. Read the original web page just by clicking a link or hitting the right-arrow key.

When you find something to save or share, you can email a link, save to Instapaper, or send to another app (such as Delibar, Twitter for Mac, VoodooPad, MarsEdit, and more). Adding feeds is easy — most of the time NetNewsWire Lite can find a feed for a website for you, so you don’t have to hunt. And you can add a feed to NetNewsWire Lite directly from Safari. NetNewsWire Lite supports authenticated feeds too, for any in-house and private feeds. And the app is fast and light, easy-to-navigate, with just the features you need to be able to read your news.





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