Delicious Library 3 (美味图书馆)
V3.6 破解版Delicious Library 3 (美味图书馆)是一套个人媒体信息管理工具,Delicious Library 3 (美味图书馆)对个人收藏的书籍,音乐,电影,游戏等资源进行管理.把Delicious Library 3 (美味图书馆)形容成一个 Personal Media Warehouse(个人媒体仓库)更贴切一些.无论大小,我们每个人都有自己的书架,收藏喜爱的书籍,各种各样的音乐CD,精彩的电影,电视剧,甚至电子游戏.
Delicious Library 3 (美味图书馆)原价:¥25 Delicious Library 3破解版将免费使用全部功能!
Delicious Library 3 (美味图书馆) 破解说明
1.软件下载完成后,打开软件包如上图,拖动软件"Delicious Library 3"到应用程序进行安装.
选择应用程序里的"Delicious Library 3"..如下图:
Delicious Library 3 (美味图书馆) 官方介绍
Delicious Library allows you to import, browse, and share all your books, movies, music, and video games with Delicious Library.
Run your very own library from your home or office using our impossibly simple interface. Delicious Library's digital shelves act as a visual card-catalog.
A scan of a barcode is all Delicious Library needs to add an item to your digital shelves, downloading tons of info from the Internet like the author, release date, current value, description, and even a high-resolution picture of the cover. Import your entire library using our exclusive full-
Sight video barcode scanner, our Flic Wireless Laser Bar Code Scanner, or (the slow way) entering the titles by hand. Once you have all of your items in your Mac, you can browse though your digital shelves, check stuff out to friends using Apple's built-in Address Book and calendar, and find new items to read, watch, and play using Library's recommendations.
Quickly importing your stuff into Delicious Library doesn't require a dedicated barcode scanner - you can use any QuickTime-supported digital video camera, like your Apple iSight. Just hold the barcode on the back of any book, movie, CD, or video game in front of the camera and your item magically shows up on your digital shelf seconds later. Using the same technology found in $800 industrial-
strength CCD barcode scanners, Delicious Library reads every single frame of digital video; seeking out, targeting, and instantly decoding any visible barcodes. This results in a seamless process of scanning that lets you import about 750 items an hour (assuming you can move your arms that fast). At that rate the staff of the new downtown Seattle Central Library could work together to import all of their 1.4 million books into Delicious Library in just over 5 hours.
Delicious Library 3 (美味图书馆) 更新日志
只是MacOS Sierra:
*建立在Sierra(10.12)为Sierra,但与优诗美地国家公园(10.11)和El Capitan(10.11)
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