Disk Map for Mac (磁盘清理)
V1.9 破解版Disk Map for Mac (磁盘清理)是Mac OS平台上的一款方便查看存储数据文件的工具和磁盘清理工具,Disk Map for Mac (磁盘清理)让用户了解所有文件所占的空间大小和运行情况,可视化你的存储驱动器所有的文件和文件夹.Disk Map for Mac (磁盘清理)使您能够快速查找,删除或压缩大文件和文件夹在硬盘上并回收宝贵的磁盘空间.
Disk Map for Mac (磁盘清理) 原价:¥30 Disk Map for Mac破解版将免费使用全部功能!
Disk Map for Mac (磁盘清理) 破解说明
软件下载完成后,打开软件包,拖动软件【Disk Map】到应用程序进行安装.安装即破解.
Disk Map for Mac (磁盘清理) 官方介绍
Disk Map makes it easy to visualize the files and folders that are cluttering up your storage drives. It enables you to quickly locate, delete or compress large files and folders on your hard drive and reclaim valuable space. The app quickly scans your drives to build a stunning treemap visual display of files and folders on your computer, allowing you to easily navigate through your file system and find out what is taking up the most space. Key Features A gorgeous Retina-optimised UI design Support for scanning both internal and external hard drives (including selected folders within these drives) Zoom in/out of folders Open files/folders in Finder Quick Look support Five beautiful and pleasing treemap colour schemes to choose from Ignore specified file formats and folders Specify a minimum file size to scan for Compress files at the click of a button Delete items to Trash Can or permanently according to your requirements Hide/Show system and hidden files via the app's preferences Hit the Reload button to refresh folders without the need to perform a new scan
Disk Map for Mac (磁盘清理) 更新日志
Version 1.9: Speed optimizations
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时间:2017-06-06 10:59:27 大小:81.3 MB -
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V6.4.2 中文破解版
时间:2017-06-21 14:18:34 大小:16.5 MB -
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时间:2019-11-08 14:02:00 大小:2.09 MB -
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时间:2017-07-19 14:44:30 大小:3.7 MB