Bioshock2 for Mac (生化奇兵2)
V1.3 破解版《生化奇兵2》是在Mac OS平台上的科幻游戏,Bioshock2 for Mac (生化奇兵2)故事情节发生在一代的10年之后.海底城仍矗立在海底,接续者仍然存活在海底城,但却发生幸存者不断地彼此进行消耗战,战争持续地在海底爆发,小妹妹在城市中游走.不断地利用大型注射器从尸体上搜集遗传物质.转化取得亚当.
Bioshock2 for Mac (生化奇兵2)原价:¥12 Bioshock2 for Mac破解版将免费使用!
Bioshock2 for Mac (生化奇兵2) 破解说明
Bioshock2 for Mac (生化奇兵2) 官方介绍
Try it today! An all-new Gene Tonic to stretch your Rapture dollars! Save 75% off Bioshock and Bioshock 2!
Welcome back to Rapture. Paradise reborn. Before you buy, expand this description to check the system requirements below. Available now via in-app purchase – Minerva’s Den DLC: Explore Rapture's enigmatic technology centre, Minerva's Den, in an adventure that takes you to the core of The Thinker, the supercomputer that controls every system in the city. Deep within the ruined undersea city of Rapture, your beloved Little Sister, Eleanor, awaits your return. As her Big Daddy, you protected her from a world of insanely selfish adults, now you must shield her again from those who demand that everything must be shared. Ten years after the events of BioShock, Rapture has fallen under the control of a collectivist cult who plan to transform Eleanor into a genetically-engineered messiah, who will put an end to individuality forever. To save her, you must deploy a unique combination of shooting, role-play and stealth as you rampage through Rapture’s leaking halls to confront her captors. Whether you choose to forgive those who threaten Eleanor or wreak vengeance upon them, remember, she is always watching and will follow your example.
Bioshock2 for Mac (生化奇兵2) 游戏介绍
Bioshock2 for Mac (生化奇兵2) 更新日志
v1.3版本新功能 Adds support for the following DLC: Minerva's Den Adds the Protector Trials challenge modes Fixes a number of minor issues
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