乐高大电影2:游戏版 for Mac(冒险类游戏)
v1.0.1破解版乐高大电影2:游戏版(The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame)是mac上一款以乐高电影为题材的卡通版冒险游戏。在游戏中,玩家会看到许多自己熟悉的超级英雄,玩家将和超级英雄们一起奋勇战斗,随英雄角色们将穿越一个全新的未知世界,一起到外太空拯救他们的朋友。小编现为您带来乐高大电影2下载,喜欢乐高系列游戏的小伙伴快来下载体验吧~
The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame游戏视频展示
乐高大电影2 Mac破解版安装教程
乐高大电影游戏版镜像包下载完成后打开,将左侧的【The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame】拉到右侧应用程序中即可~
The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame Mac破解版游戏介绍
外星怪物入侵者让积木堡(Bricksburg)变成了一片废墟,还抓走了艾密特(Emmet)的朋友们!即刻与艾密特和一众英雄角色们穿越他们的世界,并从希斯塔系统(Systar System)的诡异居民中拯救他们的朋友们!一齐出发至外太空、探索全新的世界,并考验你的积木组装技术。
逃生Outlast for Mac破解版系统要求
乐高大电影2:游戏版 for Mac(冒险类游戏)v1.0.1破解版 |
操作系统: macOS 10.14
处理器: 1.6Ghz Intel Core i5
内存: 8 GB RAM
图形: 1GB Nvidia 650M, 2GB AMD R9 M290, 1.5GB Intel Iris Graphics 540 or better (see notes for more details)
存储空间:需要8 GB可用空间
附注事项: The game is officially supported on the following Macs. To check your Mac model and when it was released, select About This Mac from the Apple menu on your menu bar.
* All 13" MacBook Pros released since 2016
* All 15" MacBook Pros released since Mid 2012 with a 1GB graphics card or better
* All MacBook Airs released since 2018
* All Mac minis released since late 2018
* All 21.5” iMacs released since Late 2013 with a 2.3GHz processor or better
* All 27” iMacs released since Late 2013 (1)
* All 27" iMac Pros released since Late 2017
* All Mac Pros released since Late 2013
1. Late 2012 models with a 2GB Nvidia 680MX graphics card are also supported.
Please note for your computer to meet the minimum requirements it must match or better all elements of the listed spec. For more detailed specifications check the Feral website. ———
The following Macs are capable of running the game but do not consistently meet the standards required for official support.
* All Mac minis since Late 2012
* All Mac minis since Late 2012
* All 13" MacBook Airs released since Mid 2012
* All 13” MacBook Pros released since Mid 2012
* All 21.5” iMacs released since Early 2013
乐高大电影2游戏版(The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame)之中玩家需要去寻找各种稀有的道具,资源物品和各种材料工具来完成自己的冒险任务,虽然乐高是积木风,但是游戏的画面制作着实相当惊艳,每一个截图都能充当高清壁纸,玩家会随着人物一起进入神奇的冒险世界,在遥远的systar星系中拯救自己的朋友!游戏相当的有趣,相信乐高的粉丝们肯定不会错过!
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