Sketch Mac中文破解版是一个创新的矢量绘图软件。Sketch Mac破解版拥有简约的设计,调色板,面板,菜单,窗口和控件和功能强大的矢量绘图和文字工具,包含完美的布尔运算,符号,和强大的标尺,参考线和网格;非常适合网页设计和移动设计者使用。本站提供sketch中文破解版下载,无需sketch汉化包,安装即可使用完美汉化版,还能自由切换中英文界面,让用户使用更方便!!
新画板(New Artboard)
R圆角矩形(Rounded Rectangle)
L钢笔(Vector Point)
command + B斜体(Italic)
command + I下划线(Underline)
command + U增大字体(Increase Font Size)
option alt / + command + +减小字体(Decrease Font Size)
option alt / + command + –增加字符间距(Increase Character Spacing)
option alt / + control + L减少字符间距(Decrease Character Spacing)
option alt / + control + T更换字体(Change Font)
command + T将文本转换为轮廓(Convert Text to Outlines)
shift + command + O左对齐(Align Left)
command + shift + [ {中心对齐(Align Center)
command + shift + \ |右对齐(Align Right)
command + shift + ] }特殊字符(Special Characters)
control + command + space 空格
画布查看(Canvas View)
放大(Zoom In)
command + +缩小(Zoom Out)
command + -实际大小(Actual Size)
command + 0显示所有画板(Center Canvas)
command + 1放大所选对象(Zoom Selection)
command + 2中心显示所选对象(Center Selection)
command + 3焦点移至首个输入框(Focus on First Input Field)
option alt / + tab标尺开关(Toggle Rulers)
control + R网格线开关(Toggle Grid)
control + G栅格层开关(Toggle Layer Guides)
control + L像素模式开关(Toggle Pixels)
control + P显示 / 隐藏手柄(Toggle Selection Handles)
control + H像素网络(Toggle Pixel Grid)
control + X
Sketch 文档间切换(Toggle between Documents)
command + ~显示 / 隐藏图层列表 - 左边栏(Toggle Layers List)
option alt / + command + 1显示 / 隐藏检查器 - 右边栏(Toggle Inspector)
option alt / + command + 2显示 / 隐藏图层列表、检查器 - 左右边栏(Toggle Layers, Inspector)
option alt / + command + 3显示 / 隐藏工具栏(Toggle Toolbar)
option alt / + command + T演示模式(Presentation Mode)
command + .全屏模式(Enter Fullscreen)
control + command + F
图形编辑(Editing Shapes)
保持当前选择(Keep Current Selection)
command + option alt /使用蒙版(Use as Mask span)
control + command + M合并形状(Union)
option alt / + command + U减去上层形状(Substract)
option alt / + command + S截取重叠区域(Intersect)
option alt / + command + I合并及减去重叠区域(Difference)
option alt / + command + X改变对象尺寸(Change Object Size)
command + arrows 方向键以10为单位改变对象尺寸(Change Units by 10)
shift + command + arrows 方向键改变节点样式(Change Vector Point Style)
图层编辑(Editing Layers)
显示与其它图层距离(Show Distance to other Layers)
option alt /显示与其它组内图层距离(Show Distance to other Layers inside Group)
option alt / + command创建副本(Duplicate)
option alt / + 鼠标拖拽 / command + D复制样式(Copy Style)
option alt / + command + C粘贴样式(Paste Style)
option alt / + command + V拾色器(Color Picker)
control + C变形(Transform)
command + T旋转(Rotate)
shift + command + R填充开关(Toggle Fill)
F描边开关(Toggle Border)
整理图层、组和画板(Arranging Layers, Groups and Artboards)
上移一层(Bring Forward)
option alt / + command +置顶(Bring to Front)
control + option alt / + command +下移一层(Send Backward)
option alt / + command + ↓置底(Sent to Back)
control + option alt / + command + ↓隐藏图层(Hide)
shift + command + H锁定图层(Lock)
shift + command + L重命名图层(Rename)
command + R图层成组(Group Layers)
command + G图层解组(Ungroup Layers)
shift + command + G选择上一图层(Select Above Layer)
shift + tab选择下一图层(Select Layer Below)
tab选择父级画板(Select Parent Artboard)
esc按照命名搜索图层(Find Layer by Name)
command + F选择上一页面(Select Above Page)
fn +选择下一页面(Select Page Below)
fn + ↓